
The Uri Tenpo Movement has a distinguished cast of characters worldwide.

  • Acidic Hasidic (DJ Acidic Hasidic) - DJ Acidic Hasidic is the cut creator for famous NYC rapper MC Pinocchio. They hail from Brooklyn and Queens NYC. Besides having cut 100s of hit records with MCP, all released exclusively on CD-R, the scritch-scratching temple going DJ AH thru his in with Abraham Glickstein has appeared on thousands of songs over the years. Chances are if your humming it, he cut it. His favorite cheese is gorgonzola dolce and his live performance smell like cut cheese.
  • Anyone - Anyone is eligible to join the Uri Tenpo Movement. Contact your nearest UTM office for an application.
  • Beastiality Boyz - A rap unit tribute to TMLP, members include: M-Lo, eMloweM, Rundy MC, Fresh M and Lowe Blo. Their creative cuts also feature support from Ero Ero Kool J & Slee Zee Pee and scratches by DJ Chimp'n'Zee.
  • Bozo the Clown - Bozo is an honorary member who keeps us entertained with his antics up in the big mikan metropolis that is Tokyo, Japan.
  • Brainiac "Tennis Balls" Wilson - Songwriter whose career has spanned six decades and has worked with other such geniuses.
  • DJ JOV - aka DJ Japan Ocean View * An independently wealthy stock market investor with a penchant for buying ocean view properties who mixes and remixes music that has yet to be released to be played at high rolling parties on super-yachts cruising the seven seas.
  • Donald Trump - President of the U.S.A - Best president ever to walk on God's Green Earth. The Donald also has an ear for bad music and musical crimes, declaring the creator of such "Enemy of the USA".  Under his fearless leadership America shall Make Music Great Again.
  • Gordon Margaret - The illegitimate half-sister of a Canadian celebrity, Gordon was bullied as a child and is now morbidly obese and sensitive to being called Gordo because that means Fatso in Spanish. Gordon has arranged 27 #1 records released by TMLP over the years and is a demigod in the eyes of its members.  
  • Guido Di Sicko - The Quebec Quacker is a mother ducker and world renowned critic and expert on all things. He calls Marc Lowe a fake musician with no musical credentials and discourages people from going anywhere near live houses dumb enough to let him pay to play. GDS also ensures establishments become certified Marc Lowe Music Free Zones. Quack Quack! 
  • Harry Ballsz - Harry is a Jewish artist specializing in digital imagery of fake musicians as monsters from classic horror films. He is chummy with Prickly Succulent and submits art to Prick's online art gallery. 
  • He - He is Uri Tenpo! 
  • I - I am Uri Tenpo!
  • It - It is Uri Tenpo! 
  • Jack Meehoff - Triangle player in the current TMLP lineup and person responsible for TMLP's insaaane use of Jergens and Kleenex (TMLP might own stock in these companies...). Rumour has it that Jack's dad, Jerk, was the inspiration for a Steve Martin movie back in the 1970s.
  • Jeremiah Holstein -  A wealthy G.I. stationed in Tokyo who donated massive amounts of his time, fortune, US Army rations, love and peace and musical genius to them. The result? Tokyo Children’s Improv Orchestra. It is a window glass into Japanese musical history and culture. Jeremiah Holstein is no longer with us but his legend is. He is in heaven now making music with David Bowie.  He is a spiritual member of TMLP and appears during seances to tell us Marc Lowe sucks. 
  • Jeremy Stein - A founding member of TMLP aka The Moana Luau Pakalolo aka The Marc Lowe Point, Jeremy is a genius song writer and stage performer. He also wins limbo competitions at luaus across the Hawaiian islands and in Micronesia.
  • Marc Lowe - Marc Lowe is the stage name of a fake musician who pays to play and then gets out-sung by his hecklers. His amateurish music is heavily influenced by ABBA and Lady Gaga. When he is not producing 50 LPs a year on his fake record label, he produces self-proclaimed "pro-quality" music videos with no thumbs ups, then blames everything on real estate agents. Marc Lowe, is, however, a genius film producer and will surely win the Rising Sun Film Festival with the short film he submitted "Black Nail 2018", as it is clearly THE.BEST.SHORT FILM.EVER. He mistakenly credited a multi-award-winning director and multi-award-winning producer as having been involved, but even without the name-dropping it should win RSFF, Cannes, and will probably also win Golden Globes, Academy Awards, but no Grammy due to illegal sampling of Lady Gaga.
  • Marc Glowe - Marc Glowe claims he is the only real genius and everyone is stealing his name. He is fabulous and hosts a wonderful podcast available on streaming services worldwide. Marc is also very active in charity and volunteer work. 
  • Pinocchio (MC Pinocchio) - MC Pinocchio hails from NYC. His rhymes be based on real life problems like the current Marcovid23 virus which is ruining people's ears across the planet yo. MCP has cut 100s of hit records, all released exclusively on CD-R, and he don't let his lack of talent get in the way of recording and releasing. Quantity above quality is his credo. He was discovered by music production guru Abraham Glickstein at an AA meeting in the basement of their temple one dark cloudy night in New York. He is LEGEND in the Tel Aviv hip-hop scene, and his lyrics transcend all genres. MC Pinocchio says "Yo, yo, yo, we are like apple pie samurai!"
  • Placebo Domingo - Classically trained and professional tenor Placebo Domingo is a science experiment gone right out of Communist Cuba. He is the last survivor of the only three known singing musical critics and is essentially the last of the tribe. 
  • Prickly Succulent - TMLP's official cameraman and unofficial cinematographer of UTM ( The Uri Tenpo Movement ). Prick learned his mad camera skills from watching lucha libre wrestling with his Mexican half-mother and spaghetti westerns with his Italian half-father. Mr. Succulent is also half-Cherokee and is the tribe's medicine man and Photoshop Guru. He is currently on sabbatical in Africa and South America looking for his other five halves. Prick's online art gallery is here:
  • Ro Bottix - Ro is a fundamental member of the current TMLP lineup where he provides vocals in addition to his main role as lead tuba player and argonaut.
  • Roman Pony Collaboration - Roman Pony Collaboration is a talent agency located in Bermuda, braddah. Their parties are off da hook, braddah. RPC also provides roadies, groupies, substances, and restocks the TMLP joy division with talent before and during each world tour.
  • She - She is Uri Tenpo!
  • She Kwasa - Comedian and impressionist whose impersonations and impressions are spot on. She can do all the greats: Frank Sinatra, Luciano Pavorotti, Joe Strummer, Marc Lowe, Johnny Rotten, Lux Interior, etc. Hailing from Okinawa, She Kwasa is also an accomplished sanshin player and can outplay any child-man claiming to be a musician.  
  • Short Bus Showtalowe - Guest vocalist and bass fisherman sometimes utilized by less talented local bands consisting of little people unworthy of mention here. God knows TMLP has wasted enough time on those trolls and hacks already. 
  • Solomon Pickles - Jazz legend and current TMLP pianist and keyboardist. Solomon also has pickled his brain by consuming mass quantities of shochu ever since he lost his fortune because Uri Tenpo undermined his career.
  • Tess Tickles - Not much is known about Tess Tickles except that her videos and music is often stolen, mocked, and parodied on streaming services worldwide. Tumbling Rock Magazine recently printed news that she hosts the #1 Internet Music Channel in The World. Despite this, Tess prefers to keep to herself and remain a very private down to earth individual.
  • They - They are Uri Tenpo!
  • Uri Tenpo - Uri Tenpo is a modest man who started a movement. He has now settled into a life of incontinence and sleeping in parks, but still enjoys composing the occasional hit record, writing best selling novels or producing award winning films. UT is in Hollywood now editing his script for the next film in the Batman series:  BAT MITZVAH
  • We - We are Uri Tenpo!
  • You - You are Uri Tenpo!