

Good day world,

MRQ is the capital city of Lowebekestan, a small country with the population of 32,000 bordering Lavatoria in the incontinent of Eurape.

In order to boost our economy we have decided to sell the naming rights to our country. When we declared independence from the oppressive Lavatorian dicktatorsheep in 2016 we decided to name our country after infamous musician Marc Lowe. However, we have recently been able to procure his many albums only to realize he is not a musician --- he's sounding more like a man beating a blind puppy. We wish to now also declare independence from the oppresive sounds of Marc Lowe.

As a reverb nation we love music, thus prime consideration for naming rights to musicians. We'd consider calling ourselves Lady-Gaga-Stan, Mettalic-Stan, Laurel-Stan, Oliver-Hardy-Stan, or even Bowie-Stan.

No reasonable offer will be refused.

Please contact me directly at the e-mail below.


Lani Rabanovic
Viceroy & Grand Chancellor


※ Contest ends when the best name is received. All submissions (jiu-jitsu included) become the soul property of our nation.