The Marc Lowe Point tribute band videos are featured here. Great guitar solos, electronica, industrial odes, spirited and Complex David Bowie Boowy covers, etc. Recently, independently wealthy Fukuoka based DJ JOV has been remixing Marc Lowe pieces with a taste of Jeff Mills meets Chemical Brothers on Ibiza under the influence. Good stuff. It is all SO BAD IT's GOOD!
Marc Lowe has submitted a video so bad it's good. In a feeble attempt to gain street creds, he has listed a multiple award winning director and multiple award winning producer as having directed his self-parody music video. Marc channels his inner-4-year-old to randomly bang on the piano to drown out the sound of his short-bus-riding counterparts as they try to properly play their instruments. The end result is a form of ear cancer that would go on to spawn the Marcovid23 Virus, a pandemic that destroys the hearing, sanity, and will to live of those exposed to his noise. Ladies and gentlemen and gender-confused-humans, we present: Blaaack Nail! It is insaaane! Please watch it on YouTube and leave it a thumbs-up or thumbs-down depending on your honest opinion of the music (he thinks thumbs downs are fake and only thumbs ups are real---so be gentle please)
DJ JOV has submitted a remix so bad it's good. Or rather, a remix, so good of something bad it's good. No offense to Michael Jackson's corpse. DJ Japan Ocean View has blessed us with a spirited remix of Fukuoka musical icon Marc Lowe's works. Entitled and financially secure DJ Japan Ocean View has entitled his remix masterpiece "The Marc Lowe Point TMLP Pee Yourself REMIX by DJ JOV". It is our understandting that TMLP is acutally a different band known as The Marc Lowe Point, which is a cover and tribute band based in Fukuoka, Japan. The samples in this remix that encourages you to pee yourself does not sound like them. They are pretty tight instrumentally. The samples here sound more like the Fukuoka musican icon Marc Lowe, the subject of their tributes. Anyway, DJ JOV is clearly a studio genius and has the utmost respect of his fan base. All you sucker MCs and poser mix masters listen to this! Our boy got mad skills yo! British rapper 2 Pence uses this to open his shows when he tours little Lebanon and Little Athens.
The below submissions is DJ JOV piece from April Fur's Day 2019 in honour of new emperor penguin to be in Japanica. It is a clearly futuristic piece - one month into the future! "DJ JOV presents Marc Lowe tribute REMIX Want To Lowe Ball" is available in limited quality and much quantity on the YouTube network.
Instruments are important. Here, the Marc Lowe Point tribute band
guitarist, vocalist, and charismatic performer front man, Marc♭Lowe plays a customized Marc Lowe signature guitar (signed by An
Pan Man) and does a spirited electronica tribute to the late great and
very complex David Boowy. Best guitar solo ever by the worst musician
in Fukuoka. It is electronica in an acousitica John Philip Sousa type of way. From song #2525 on the 35 album limited edition box set "The Marc Lowe Point - Primer, Foundation, Eye Shadow, Vocal Distress".
The below video, submitted by the genius frontman of The Marc Lowe Point tribute band, Marc♭Lowe offers up a touching heartfelt drum solo during the song "Industrial Ode to Gene
Krupa" performed at an intimate special private live by The Marc Lowe Point, a Fukuoka based tribute band.
The worst musician in Fukuoka plays a touching drum solo to good ol'
Uncle Gene in this electronica industrial masterpiece. Great attention
and detail can be seen in the video editing. Look for some unplugged
yet amped up autistic lives in the near future.
The video below is the song "Black Nine Inch Nail" by popular tribute band The Marc Lowe Point. It is heartfelt and highly personalized and the lead vocalist and genius keyboard player of the band is wearing a very gothic yet industrial acoustic setsubun demon mask. Song #333 of TMLP's soon to be released
box set "Essentially The Marc Lowe Point Acoustica Sousa Electronica
Harmonica" recorded live before a studio audience of mannequins in Botswanica. What is clearly a top of the line Anpan Man elelctronica
piano was used to capture the genius piano chops TMLP hopes to communicate.
What's next? Perhaps a keyboard tribute to Queen? Who knows. In between their busy touring schedule of Fukuoka live spots like Uterus, Piece, Mayo, Heath Flock, etc. TMLP is busy in the studio making more and more heartfelt tributes and music videos.