Happy 48th Birthday to 천재 가짜 뮤지션 마크 로우 Marc Lowe from North Korea! The great leader of North Korea has created a video message celebrating the 48th birthday of world's #1 creator of music Marc Lowe from world's #1 nation the PROK.
Kim Jong-un Supreme Leader of North Korea & Marc Lowe Supreme Owner of Dark Shroud Records --- A match made in heaven.
However, South Korea remains a #marclowemusicfreezone but they are just closet hater fan trolls and child men.
The Uri Tenpo Movement celebrates in grandiose fashion on this glorious February 26, 2021 --- the 48th year of songer singwriter, actor, genius, musician, record label owner, author and multi-instrument ruiner Marc Lowe. Keep on rockin' in the suppressed world!
Uri Tenpo is not a man. Uri Tenpo is a movement!