
Every award winning film's soundtrack features music by NOT MARC LOWE

Comrades! Have you ever noticed that every award winning film's soundtrack and score features music by real musicians. Yes. They feature music by NOT MARC LOWE. This is a winning formula for soundtrack sales and for keeping the audience in their seats and not holding their ears while screaming and running out of the movie theater's emergency exits.

A look at his live "performance" where he was out sung by a heckler, while most entertaining for the viewer, also illustrates precisely why this "music" is not used on soundtracks.

And, this lovely video clearly shows why his "instrumental music" is also not suitable for soundtracks, but is a wonderful argument for an insane plea should he ever be arrested for his musical crimes.

Uri Tenpo is not a man! Uri Tenpo is a movement! 

Join us in the quest to promote fun parodies and real music by real musicians.

Merry Cinco de Julio Amigos!!!