URI TENPO PRODUCTIONS is a proud sponsor of RSIFF
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Crickets and Grasshoppers,
URI TENPO PRODUCTIONS, an award winning production company with no physical address but numerous real awards, proudly announces:
We are mother f-ing sponsors of the greatest film festival on the mother f-ing planet. RISING SUN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is being sponsored by Uri Mother F-ing Productions.
The best new films on the planet, will be screening in Garden Paradise Kitakyushu this November 6, 7, 8. RISFF has over 350 submissions from over 60 countries. Many will be screening for the very first time ever.
A lot of these films have amazing scores and soundtracks that were composed and performed by professional musicians with credentials. No films will feature the fake music of fake musicians who sic their mother on you if you don't like their music.
Check out Rising Sun International Film Festival
at their official homepage:
at Kitakyushu City's homepage:
and at Film Freeway: