- The Uri Tenpo News Network -
- Year One of Biden Banana Republic, Month of Valentine, 7st Day -
(Associated Permanent Press members contributed to this news article)
The UTNN has been informed by high ranking confidential sources that the 2021 Burmese coup d'état in Myanmar was caused by the horrible music of Marc Lowe which was released on the fake label of Dark Shroud Records. Lowe, a nefarious fake musician raised by gypsy magicians, has released a copious amount of toxic sound-waves he calls songs and albums. This noise so troubled the trigger happy soldiers in the Military of Myanmar ( MOM ) that they recently held a coup d'état to protest.
How will Sleepy Joe Biden respond? Without the capacity of China to buy Biden for a paltry sum of 1.5 billion USD, Myanmar is hard pressed to get their regular government reinstated. It is the sincere hope of the citizens of the Biden Banana Republic that he take stringent measures to stop the streaming and CD-R spinning spread of bad music via the Marcovid23 Virus. It is bad enough lives are being lost in Asia. It is imperative they preempt this from happening in the renegade country between Canada and Mexico.Phil Spector's dying words were "Build the soundproof wall! For the love of Allah! Build the soundproof wall! Hey where's Ronnie? mmmmmmm.....(silence).....AAAGH!"