Marc Lowe - The Way Out Is In
as reviewed by Uri Tenpo Productions
Fake musician and professional idiot Marc Lowe was apparently back in the studio creating more noise labeled as music for people to despise. His latest album, which must be about, oh, his 1000th album in just a few years, is sheer unadulterated dreck.
Overall, The Way Out Is In is a truly putrid piece of manure by a journeyman artist who has gotten progressively worse over the course of time. His compositional technique is a periscope into his narcissism and insanity. Musically and lyrically, the album is akin to roadkill on a Texas turnpike. It will have no appeal to anyone and should be avoided. For true masochists, especially those who belong to religious cults, UTP recommends that despite your desire to listen to this to die a painful aural death, you should still avoid it and get counseling. Lord knows the creator of this rubbish should.
Uri Tenpo Productions estimates this album will sell five to ten copies, mostly purchases from live house owners who just buy it to grease the idiot's ego and get him to pay to play there again.
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