In what is arguably the best news of 2021 (Year 1 of the Biden Banana Republic) Kitakyushu Spokesman Mr. Tommy Talofofo declares Garden Paradise Kitakyushu a Marc Lowe Music Free Zone to the pleasure of the nearly one million residents of this Pearl of the Orient. Tommy is a card carrying member of the Uri Tenpo Movement and a wonderful advocate of Chamorro rights. Marc is known by many as the worst musician, singer, and songwriter in the world.
May the music in your respective cities be as swell as the music on Guam and in Kitakyushu. May you maintain your hearing and sanity throughout 2021 and long into the future. May you never have to suffer at the hands of bad music by terrible musicians ever again.
Musical connoisseurs of the world, UNITE!
Your buddy,
Uri Tenpo