
Marc Lowe Will Still Suck & Mos Burger Will Still Rock! Uri Tenpo's Predictions for 2022!

Marc Lowe Will Still Suck & Mos Burger Will Still Rock! 
Uri Tenpo's Predictions for 2022! 

Greetings Comrades!

Did you all have a prosperous 2021? Was it very safety? Hopefully, you were able to avoid bad music by fake musicians like Marc Lowe the musical moron who is always complaining about something, usually something he knows nothing about. 

It was a productive year for The Uri Tenpo Movement. The UTM has establshed strongholds in Iraq and throughout the isles of Nippon. Our presence in The Orient is No Occident. It is a nefarious porpoise. 

UTM artist, the half-Mexican, half-Italian, half-Cherokee artist Prickly Succulent has been busy with his art. His native art caricatures of fake musician American idiot Marc Lowe are extremely detailed and accurately portray the musical moron and mad sub-genius in a loving but humorous manner. Prick will be touring The Americas in 2022 via stagecoach. Feel free to say "Hey Prick! when he comes thru your town or village. Check out his amazing native art and drop some peyote with the artist. He's down to party like it's 2022. https://www.marcloweart.com/

Have much enjoyment these holidays and remember...

It might be 2022 but Marc Lowe Still Sucks. 

#marclowesucksmore is sure to be #1 hashtag of Year of the Tiger.

Uri Tenpo is not a man! Uri Tenpo is a movement!


Love & Kisses,

Your fearless supreme leader