The Uri Tenpo Movement - Barbershop Quartet
A song arguably better than the entire Dark Shroud Records catalogue.
This harmonic masterpiece was recorded by a barber shop quartet whose members are key members of The Uri Tenpo Movement. The music video was shot and directed by a self-proclaimed famous award winning producer and director with no credentials but with a God-given gift.
Beware the Marcovid23 Virus! Be diligent! Avoid attending poorly organized and poorly attended live house events featuring insane fake musicians. 2021 will be even more insaaane as the world enters and exciting fifth year of rule by best leader ever in the world and in history now then and future: His Eminence Donald Trump.
Hi! Looking for music bad music? You'll find it here! There are fake musicians like Marc Lowe and his 50 albums, real musicians like Paul McCartney, parody tribute bands like TMLP, and so much more to enjoy. C'mon in! The water's warm! And, the tunes are free...