
"Japan's Marcovid23 Virus Spike Caused By Exposure To Marc Lowe Music" - The Daily Hebrew

Greetings  to our UTM comrades in the great Biden Banana Republic, the premier suburb of Tel Aviv. It is with a heavy heart and an iron fist that we must report that thousands of innocent Japanese are suffering and dying due to exposure to the noise marketed as music by Marc Lowe on his fake record label Dark Shroud Records. 

Reputable international news organizations such as The Daily Hebrew have reported that Japan's Marcovid 23 Virus spike is directly linked to exposure to the horrible sounds he calls his music. The fact that Marc Lowe has recently released music on streaming services and video hosting sites directly coincides with the rapid increase of those infected and those who died from the deadly Marcovid23 Virus. 

Stay safe out there, comrades. Remember, Uri Tenpo is not a man, Uri Tenpo is a movement. More importantly, remember to protect yourselves from the musical diarrhea of Marc Lowe by keeping your Kitakyushu engineered Toto Toilet lids closed. Keeping the lid close will help prevent the spread of his crap into the air. 

Marc Lowe - Creator of Marcovid23 Virus